Online consultations
YEP will start with online networking events to foster strategic cooperation and collaborative working. The cooperation will be implemented through four rounds of consultations bewtween young people and local authorities with four objectives:
1. Increase the transnational cooperation between youth organisations;
2. Promote EU Youth Goals: Space and Participation for All;
3. Sustainable and Green Europe; improve participation of young people in local and regional life;
4. Empower youth organisations in dealing with Covid-19 aftermaths.
The consultations will involve mainly local youth and local youth organisation, but also different stakeholders such as policy-makers. Local roundtables are the chosen tool to foster the identification of good practices, common constraints and critical issues, while providing the opportunity for an open, multi-stakeholder discussion to identify innovative solutions at the local level. In each country will be involved all stakeholders through an open procedure spread on the communication channels of the project partners websites and social media pages, as well as on the the website and social pages of the project.
Local Workshop
Each partner will be in charge of organizing workshops at local level and participate and to one International Workshop in Mallorca.
All the workshops will be implemented following a similar model to the EASW (European Awareness Scenario Workshop) which has proven to be particularly suitable to encourage dialogue and participation. An EASW is built on two main activities: the development of visions and the proposal of ideas; the aim will be to develop common solutions and ideas on how to engage young people in civic activities.
Local Workshop gallery

International Workshop gallery

YEP will be implemented through innovative working methods characterised by participatory and multistakeholder approach, digital tools and non-formal learning strategies.
Roundtables will be carried out in each partner country in order to spread and share contents and connect youngsters and public institutions. These tolls will be the key to develop a Manual on Participation of Young People in Local and Regional Life and the related materials two three toolkits: a Facilitator Guide and Toolkit on Engaging Political Decision Makers.
1. The Hand-Book “Foster the Participation of Young people” will be a precious tool for youth organisation, but also policy—maker itself, in order to be empowered on how to engage with youth and foster their participation to local and regional life.
2. The “Facilitator Guide” will be a precious tool in order to guarantee the future sustainability of the project activities. The Toolkit for engaging Political Decision-Makers will be fundamental in order to foster youth active citizenship and political participation and will contain all the best practices, techniques and tools for engaging decision makers and influencing local development strategies within communities.
Y-NET platform
The platform will be it will be a space of permanent discussion among young people and local stakeholders. It will be a personalized tool and valid in particular for youth and youth organisation, but it can be a tool for policy-makers and different stakeholders both in terms of youth engagement as well as in defining innovative development paths and shared solutions at local and international level.
Discussion Group
Discussion Group gallery